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Undergraduate Program Review Processes: A Case Study in Opportunity for Academic Libraries
Journal of Academic Librarianship
  • John Costella, University of Western Ontario
  • Tom Adam, University of Western Ontario
  • Fran Gray, University of Western Ontario
  • Nicole Nolan, University of Western Ontario
  • Catherine Wilkins, University of Western Ontario
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How can an academic library most effectively participate and expand its contributions to program reviews at the institutional level? By becoming involved in undergraduate reviews, college and university libraries can articulate new and enhanced roles for themselves on campus. Academic libraries have always contributed to a variety of institutional review processes. However, by embracing a more holistic view of its support, the library can expand beyond collection-related metrics to encompass all the ways the library interconnects with the program. Furthermore, by becoming proactively involved with the committee(s) responsible for managing institutional program reviews, libraries can contribute to the governance of this essential activity on campus. This paper describes one academic library's experience and efforts in becoming involved with undergraduate reviews at both the program and institutional levels. It is hoped that sharing our case study and the tools we have created, will benefit other academic libraries.


Citation Information
John Costella, Tom Adam, Fran Gray, Nicole Nolan, et al.. "Undergraduate Program Review Processes: A Case Study in Opportunity for Academic Libraries" Journal of Academic Librarianship Vol. 39 Iss. 2 (2013) p. 169 - 174
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