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About Todd K. Fuller

Dr. Fuller’s research efforts focus on identifying factors affecting variation in mammal density and distribution. Whether a species is recognized as endangered, a nuisance, or harvestable, knowledge of its natural history and population ecology is essential in order to predict or responsibly manage population change. In order to better understand the mechanisms of this change, Dr. Fuller and his students capture, mark, and monitor a variety of carnivores, ungulates, and smaller herbivores to document their movements, habitat use, food habits, survival, reproduction, social behavior, and density, then synthesize results from their own and other studies. They survey populations through direct and indirect means (e.g., scats, tracks, calls, cameras) to assess distribution and relative abundance, and also collaborate with colleagues to investigate roles of disease, genetics, nutrition, morphology, and human activities in population regulation and species conservation.


Present Professor and Associate Department Head, Environmental Conservation, University of Massachusetts Amherst

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Contact Information

128 Holdsworth
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Amherst MA,01003
