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Sodium and potassiumvapor Faraday filters re-visited: Theory and applications
Journal of the Optical Society of America B
  • S. D. Harrell
  • C. Y. She
  • Tao Yuan, Utah State University
  • D. A. Krueger
  • H. Chen
  • S. Chen
  • Z. L. Hu
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A complete theory describing the transmission of atomic vapor Faraday filters is developed. The dependence of the filter transmission on atomic density and external magnetic field strength, as well as the frequency dependence of transmission, are explained in physical terms. As examples, applications of the computed results to ongoing research to suppress sky background, thus allowing Na lidar operation under sunlit conditions, and to enable measurement of the density of mesospheric oxygen atoms are briefly discussed.


Published by the Optical Society of America in the Journal of the Optical Society of America B. Publisher PDF available for download through link above.

Citation Information
Harrell, S. D., C. Y. She, T. Yuan, D. A. Krueger, H. Chen, S. Chen, and Z. L. Hu (2009), Sodium and potassium vapor Faraday filters re-visited: Theory and applications, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, Vol.26, No.4, 659-670.