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European Journal of Health Law (2016)
  • Titti Mattsson
Policy-makers, the medical industry and researchers are demonstrating a keen interest in the potential of large registries of patient data, both nationally and internationally. The registries offer promising ways to measure and develop operational quality within health and medical care services. As a result of certain favourable patient data regula- tions and government funding, the development of quality registries is advanced in Sweden. The combination of increasing demand for more cost-efficient healthcare that can accommodate the demographic development of a rapidly ageing population, and the emergence of eHealth with an increasing digitalisation of patient data, calls attention to quality registries as a possible way for healthcare improvements. However, even if the use of registries has many advantages, there are some drawbacks from a patient privacy point of view. This article aims to analyse this growing interdepen- dence of quality registries for the healthcare sector. It discusses some lessons from the Swedish case, with particular focus on the collection of data from elderly persons with cognitive impairments. 
  • privacy – data protection – quality registries – demographic development – patient data – elderly people – cognitive impairments – eHealth
Publication Date
November, 2016
Citation Information
Titti Mattsson. "EJHL_023_05_453-469-Mattsson.pdf" European Journal of Health Law Vol. 23 Iss. 5 (2016) p. 453 - 469
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