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Lägst ned på skalan? Hälsooch sjukvårdens bemötande av äldre kvinnor som migrerat till Sverige
Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift (2015)
  • Titti Mattsson, Lund University
  • Helene Brodin, Stockholm University
This article aims to investigate the treatment of older female migrants in Swedish healthcare. The study puts the emphasis on exploring if there are differences in the interpersonal treatment of older female migrants that make them feel discriminated against. The theoretic inspiration for the article comes from Fineman’s vulnerability theory and intersectional perspectives on equality. A critical approach to the understanding of equality as sameness of treatment is central to the study. Drawing upon 37 semi-structured interviews with health professionals and older female migrants, the article shows several inequalities in access and treatment of older female migrants. Inequalities in access relate to economic and organizational barriers that generate unequal access to healthcare for older female migrants. Inequalities in treatment concern stereotyping and offensive behaviour on the part of the staff, which particularly affects older Muslim women searching help for aches and pains. Overall, health professionals seem to be unaware of these discriminatory practices. The study suggests that one explanation for this lack of awareness on the part of the professionals is the interpretation of equality as sameness of treatment. The problem with this understanding is that it ignores differences in the circumstances and abilities of the patient. Treating everybody the same turns into inequality, as the financial conditions and linguistic abilities of older migrants mostly are different from those of the native population. Therefore, the article concludes that professionals who, like healthcare personnel, are working with vulnerable individuals need to develop alternative approaches to equal treatment that includes the context of the patient.
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Citation Information
Titti Mattsson and Helene Brodin. "Lägst ned på skalan? Hälsooch sjukvårdens bemötande av äldre kvinnor som migrerat till Sverige" Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift Iss. 3-4 (2015)
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