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Maximizing Conversational Independence
Evidence-Based Practice Briefs
  • Trina D. Spencer
  • Timothy A. Slocum, Utah State University
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Publication Date

Clinical Question: Can an intervention strategy whose research was done with one population be used effectively with a different population for the same purpose?

Method: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Study Sources: Google Scholar, Academic Search Premier

Search Terms: initiation, script, script fading, language impairment, social communication, social interaction, conversation, and spontaneous

Number of Included Studies: 8

Number of Participants: 18

Primary Results:

1) Six of the eight studies reviewed were of acceptable quality.

2) Based on percent of non-overlapping data calculations, script training was found to be effective or very effective.

3) The body of script training research included six acceptable quality studies conducted by four sets of researchers across four geographical locations and with 18 participants.

Conclusions: The research evidence indicates that script training interventions enhance the conversational independence of children with autism; however, there is no evidence to suggest it will be effective for a different population. Nonetheless, a thorough examination of the match between client characteristics and participant characteristics may help determine whether an intervention is appropriate for a client who has not been represented in the research literature. In addition, clinicians who apply interventions to populations that have not been included in research should rely on their professional judgment and clinical expertise to make reasonable implementation decisions and use progress monitoring results to inform subsequent clinical decisions.

Citation Information
Spencer, T. D., & Slocum, T. A. (2011). Maximizing conversational independence. Evidence-Based Practice Breifs. 6 (1), 1-8.