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Investigation of Osseointegration of Three 3D Printed Titanium Scaffold Structures
Scholars Symposium
  • Sarah Seman, Cedarville University
  • Grant Trautman, Cedarville University
  • Jacob W Southwell, Cedarville University
  • Timothy L Norman, Cedarville University
  • Rocco J Rotello, Cedarville University
Type of Submission
  • 3D Printing,
  • Metal 3D printing,
  • Scaffolds,
  • Tissue Engineering,
  • Osteointegration,
  • Titanium,
  • Bone Implants

In this study, the amount of osteoblastic growth on three different scaffolds was compared. Three different scaffolds were designed to have seventy-five percent porosity as a constant and the repeated unit cell size and wall thickness were varied. The first scaffold had a unit cell size of 0.3 millimeters and the thinnest wall, the second had a 0.4-millimeter unit cell size and the middle wall thickness, the last had a 0.5-millimeter unit cell size and the thickest walls. The wall thickness was adjusted to ensure the consistent seventy-five percent porosity. Five scaffolds of each design were printed of titanium by Tangible Solutions, cleaned via sonication in distilled water, and autoclaved for sterility.

Each scaffold was then placed in its own 3.9 cm^2 well and seeded with four thousand cells per square centimeter. Scaffolds were kept in culture for four days in standard conditions, with media changed every other day. On the fourth day, scaffolds were immersed in trypsin and rocked to ensure detachment of all cells. Counts were then taken using the CytoSMART automated hemocytometer and groups were compared.

Results indicate significant cell growth and proliferation on all three scaffold designs after four days of culture. Average cell counts per scaffold were 36700 cells (±6817 cells) for the 3 unit cell scaffolds, 29810 cells (±8824 cells) for the 4 unit cell scaffolds, and 31435 cells (±cells) for the 5 unit cell scaffolds. Statistical analysis using JMP was performed, and no significant difference was found between groups. However, this study had a fairly small sample size (n=5). Plans are underway to repeat the experiment in order to obtain more data points per group.

Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0
Citation Information
Sarah Seman, Grant Trautman, Jacob W Southwell, Timothy L Norman, et al.. "Investigation of Osseointegration of Three 3D Printed Titanium Scaffold Structures"
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