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Quality + Innovation: Adapting Quality Management Practices to Achieve Innovation Performance
Engineered Wood Journal
  • Scott A. Leavengood, Oregon State University
  • Timothy R. Anderson, Portland State University
Document Type
Publication Date
  • Production management -- Quality control,
  • Quality assurance

In many businesses today, focus on quality as a competitive tool is being replaced by a focus on innovation. This is not to say that quality is now irrelevant but rather that it is now seen by many as "necessary but insufficient" in today's business environment. Therefore, the task facing managers is how to achieve innovation performance in addition to quality performance. To answer this question, U.S. West Coast wood products manufacturers were surveyed about their quality management practices and performance with respect to both quality and innovation. Survey results were analyzed to identify two categories of high-performing firms: those achieving primarily quality outcomes and those achieving both quality and innovation outcomes. Executives from firms in each category were interviewed to provide detail on the management practices used by the companies. The interviews were examined to identify similarities and differences in practices between the two categories of firms.


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Citation Information
Leavengood, A. and Anderson, T. (2011). Quality + innovation: Adapting quality management practices to achieve innovation performance, Engineered Wood Journal, 25-27.