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Forecasting Hybrid Electric Vehicles Using TFDEA
Engineering and Technology Management Faculty Publications and Presentations
  • Shabnam Razeghian Jahromi, Portland State University
  • Anca-Alexandra Tudori, Delft University of Technology
  • Timothy R. Anderson, Portland State University
Document Type
Publication Date
  • Electric automobiles,
  • Hybrid electric vehicles

The Toyota Prius was introduced in Japan fifteen years ago and over 60 additional hybrid electric vehicles automobiles and redesigns have been brought to the market around the world since that time. There is major interest in future of the electric cars as using ?the alternative fuel? can significantly decrease the environmental and fuel dependency concerns. This work has used data envelopment analysis to forecast the future of hybrid electric cars. It is based on a previous research on the same subject with an improvement in input-output model that has enhanced the outcomes to a great extent. The former study applied technology forecasting for both full-battery and hybrid electric cars. This research focuses on hybrid electric vehicles only and improving the model for battery electric cars will be a subject for future research. The dataset is the same as the one used in former research with some additional parameters that are gathered from manufacturers? websites and other relevant resources.


This is the publisher's final pdf. Copyright 2013 by PICMET. Paper delivered at Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET), 2013.

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Citation Information
Jahromi, Shabnam Razeghian; Tudori, Anca-Alexandra; and Anderson, Timothy R., Forecasting Hybrid Electric Vehicles using TFDEA, Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET), Portland, OR, 2013.