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Use of Fluorescence Microscopy in an Assay of Sperm Density for the Gorgonian Coral, Plexaura kuna
Proceedings of the 8th International Coral Reef Symposium v.2
  • Timothy D. Swain, University at Buffalo
  • K. Kim, University at Buffalo
  • H. R. Lasker, University at Buffalo
Event Name/Location
8th International Coral Reef Symposium, Panama City, Panama, June 24-29, 1996
Presentation Date
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
  • Reproduction,
  • Method,
  • Spawning,
  • Invertebrate,
  • ICRS8

The density of sperm in the water column during the broadcast spawning events of marine invertebrates is often undetermined or reported in terms of fertilization potential. The density of sperm during such events can be determined by directly counting numbers of spermatozoa using a modification of the acridine orange direct count (AODC) technique for enumerating bacteria. A number of variables in the handling and processing of samples may bias estimates. Sample collection in glass and rapid fixation and filtration are necessary for reproducible estimates. Once filtered, samples are stable for many months, and counts on filters that were poorly stained in the field can be enhanced by additional staining with 4'6-diamidino-2-phynlindole (DAPI). The AODC technique was employed to examine the effects of distance from a male colony on density of sperm for the gorgonian coral Plexaura kuna. In situ sperm densities ranged from 0 to 1,000 sperm/ml. Sperm densities in 18 l aquaria containing 20 cm long P. kuna explants reached 100,000 sperm/ml.

Additional Comments

NSF grant #: OCE 9217014

Citation Information
Timothy D. Swain, K. Kim and H. R. Lasker. "Use of Fluorescence Microscopy in an Assay of Sperm Density for the Gorgonian Coral, Plexaura kuna" Proceedings of the 8th International Coral Reef Symposium v.2 (1997) p. 1341 - 1344
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