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About Tim Brady

Dr. Brady, Professor of Doctoral Studies, Daytona Beach Campus, has many years of experience in the aviation world. He served in the United States Air Force from 1958 to 1980 and earned his dual rating as a pilot and a navigator. After his career in the Air Force, Dr. Brady entered academe, holding positions at several universities. At Embry-Riddle, he led the effort to create a PhD in Aviation, the first of its kind in the United States and Embry-Riddle's first PhD program. Classes began in that degree program in January 2010. Dr. Brady is also involved in research related to advanced flight training devices, and in his spare time writes aviation history books and serves on FAA committees.

Dr. Brady has served as the president of the University Aviation Association (UAA) and the Council on Aviation Accreditation (CAA), now called Aviation Accreditation Board International (AABI), and continues to serve as a member of its Board of Trustees.

During his time in academe he created the National Training Aircraft Symposium in 1989 which continues to meet each year. The symposium brings together those entities who use aviation training products with those who manufacture them.

Dr. Brady has also published more than 30 articles, was the editor of a respected safety magazine (TAC Attack), and is the author of a "How To" monograph for editors of specialized magazines. In addition, he is an associate editor of two refereed journals (The Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education and Research and the Journal of Aviation World Wide) and is a reviewer for a third refereed journal (The Collegiate Aviation Review).

For more information on Dr. Brady's experience, please see his CV, included below.


2015 - Present Interim Chancellor, Chief Academic Officer, Daytona Beach Campus, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Chancellor's Office
2000 - 2015 Professor and Dean, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University College of Aviation, Daytona Beach Campus
1998 - 2000 Professor and Associate Dean of the School of Aviation and Chairman of the Applied Aviation Sciences Department, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University School of Aviation, Daytona Beach Campus
1991 - 1998 Professor and Chairman of the Power and Transportation Department (Aviation Department), Central Missouri State University ‐ Power and Transportation Department
1985 - 1991 Dean of Institutional Advancement and External Programs, Saint Louis University ‐ Parks College
1983 - 1985 Director of Business and Finance, Saint Louis University ‐ Parks College
1981 - 1983 Instructor and Chairman of the Aeronautical Administration (Business) Department, Saint Louis University ‐ Parks College

Curriculum Vitae

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1986 Ph.D. in Higher Education (Higher Education Administration), Saint Louis University
1976 M.S. in Management, Abilene Christian University
1974 B.S. in Social Science, Troy State University - Montgomery

Articles (39)

Presentations (1)

Conference Papers (4)

Books (1)

Dissertation (1)