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Palindromes and Pseudo-Involution Multiplication
Linear Algebra and Its Applications (2020)
  • Tian-Xiao He
  • Louis Shapiro
A Riordan array (g,f) is called a pseudo-involution if (g,f)M (or equivalently, M (g,f)), where M = (1, - z) , is an involution. This paper presents a palindromic property of pseudo-involutions, which seems both novel and useful. If A and B are both pseudo-involutions, then so is the triple product ABA. With this it follows that if A,B,C,… are pseudo-involutions so is any palindromic word using these symbols.
  • Riordan array,
  • Riordan group,
  • Riordan pseudo-involution,
  • Palindromes,
  • Twisted subgroup
Publication Date
Spring May 15, 2020
Publisher Statement
Linear Algebra and Its Applications is published by ScienceDirect. For more information on this journal visit ScienceDirect online.
Citation Information
Tian-Xiao He and Louis Shapiro. "Palindromes and Pseudo-Involution Multiplication" Linear Algebra and Its Applications Vol. 593 (2020) p. 1 - 17 ISSN: 0024-3795
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