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A Unified Approach to Construct a Class of Daubechies Orthogonal Scaling Functions
Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications (2017)
  • Tian-Xiao He
  • Tung Nguyen
We use Lorentz polynomials to give an efficient way to prove Daubechies’results on the existence of spline type orthogonal scaling functions and to evaluate a class of Daubechies scaling functions in a unified approach.
  • Daubechies scaling functions,
  • MRA scaling function,
  • B-spline,
  • Lorentz polynomial
Publication Date
January, 2017
Publisher Statement
The Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications is published by the China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. For more information please see the Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications homepage.
Citation Information
Tian-Xiao He and Tung Nguyen. "A Unified Approach to Construct a Class of Daubechies Orthogonal Scaling Functions" Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications Vol. 37 (2017) p. 29 - 39 ISSN: 2095-2651
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