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106. The initial medical assessment of possible child sexual abuse: History, history, history (published 2024)
Academic Pediatrics (2023)
  • Howard Dubowitz, University of Maryland School of Medicine
  • Martin A. Finkel, Rowan-Virtua School of Osteopathic Medicine
  • Susan Feigelman, University of Maryland School of Medicine
  • Thomas D. Lyon, University of Southern California Law School
Primary care professionals (PCPs) can play a valuable role in the initial assessment of possible child sexual abuse (CSA), an all too prevalent problem. PCPs, however, are often reluctant to conduct these assessments. The goal of this paper is to help PCPs be more competent and comfortable playing a limited but key role. This is much needed as there may be no need for further assessment and also because of a relative paucity of medical experts in this area. While some children present with physical problems, the child’s history is generally the critical information. This article therefore focuses on practical guidance regarding history taking when CSA is suspected, incorporating evidence from research on forensic interviewing. We have been mindful of the practical constraints of a busy practice and the role of the public agencies in fully investigating possible child sexual abuse. The approach also enables PCPs to support children and their families.
  • child sexual abuse,
  • forensic interviewing,
  • hearsay
Publication Date
Fall November 12, 2023
Citation Information
106. Dubowitz, H., Finkel, M.A., Feigelman, S., & Lyon, T.D. (2024). The initial assessment of possible child sexual abuse: History, history, history. Academic Pediatrics, 24, 562-569.