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About Thomas A Bryer

Dr. Thomas Bryer is an assistant professor in the Department of Public Administration at the University of Central Florida. His teaching and research focuses on public participation with government, citizen engagement, cross-sector collaboration, and ethics. His work has appeared in Public Administration Review, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Administrative Theory & Praxis, Public Performance and Management Review, Journal of Public Affairs Education, American Review of Public Administration, International Journal of Public Participation, Journal of Homeland Security and Management, Public Administration and Management, Public Integrity, and International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior. He also has published chapters in peer reviewed books and award winning teaching simulations.
Dr. Bryer teaches undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral courses on a range of topics, including civic engagement, public organization management, administrative theory, strategic planning and management, cross-sectoral governance, and public administrators in the governance process.
He holds his Ph.D. from the University of Southern California.
Below is a selection of articles; additional titles are listed on the CV.


Present Assistant Professor, University of Central Florida

Curriculum Vitae

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Cross-Sector Collaboration (4)

Public Participation/Civic Engagement (11)

Bureaucratic Responsiveness (5)

Service Learning (1)

Teaching Simulations (2)

Ethics (1)