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The State of the Art in Flow Visualization: Partition-Based Techniques
Proceedings of the 2008 Simulation and Visualization Conference
  • Tobias Salzbrunn
  • Heike Janicke
  • Thomas Wischgoll, Wright State University - Main Campus
  • Gerik Scheuermann
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date

Flow visualization has been a very active subfield of scientific visualization in recent years. From the resulting large variety of methods this paper discusses partition-based techniques. The aim of these approaches is to partition the flow in areas of common structure. Based on this partitioning, subsequent visualization techniques can be applied. A classification is suggested and advantages/disadvantages of the different techniques are discussed as well.


Presented at the Conference on Simulation and Visualization, Magdeburg, Germany, February 18-29, 2008.

Citation Information
Tobias Salzbrunn, Heike Janicke, Thomas Wischgoll and Gerik Scheuermann. "The State of the Art in Flow Visualization: Partition-Based Techniques" Proceedings of the 2008 Simulation and Visualization Conference (2008) p. 75 - 92 ISSN: 3936150532
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