Over the past five years I have focused primarily on the use and development of non-market valuation techniques such as contingent valuation and conjoint analyses. I have used these methods to estimate the economic value of several wildlife species, ecosystem management of forests, wetlands, and recreation on public lands. I am particularly interested in studying the sensitivity of value estimates to the type of methodology used and implications for decision making and natural resource damage assessments. Are people really able to value natural resources they never see or use? What motivates them to do so? Why do conjoint and contingent valuation results usually differ? Which method is best? How can these techniques be modified to produce better results? How should the results be interpreted and used in decision making and natural resource damage assessments?
Over the past five years I have focused primarily on the use and development of non-market valuation techniques such as contingent valuation and conjoint analyses. I have used these methods to estimate the economic value of several wildlife species, ecosystem management of forests, wetlands, and recreation on public lands. I am particularly interested in studying the sensitivity of value estimates to the type of methodology used and implications for decision making and natural resource damage assessments. Are people really able to value natural resources they never see or use? What motivates them to do so? Why do conjoint and contingent valuation results usually differ? Which method is best? How can these techniques be modified to produce better results? How should the results be interpreted and used in decision making and natural resource damage assessments?
Professor, Department of Resource Economics,
University of Massachusetts Amherst