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Comparative narrative analysis as a tool in determining the lectio difficilior in Mark 1:40-45 - a narrative analysis of Codices Bezae, Vaticanus, and Washingtonianus
Faculty Publications
  • Joel E Lisboa, Andrews University
  • Thomas Shepherd, Andrews University
Document Type
Publication Date
  • Mark 1:40-45,
  • Quantitative narrative analysis,
  • Lectio difficilior

The most contested textual variant in Mark 1:40-45 is whether Jesus was filled with compassion for the leper (σπλαγχνισθείς) or with anger (όργισθείς). Using quantitative narrative analysis (QNA), the article addresses the issue of the lectio difficilior for this variant. Three manuscripts (Bezae, Vaticanus, and Washingtonianus) are analysed to determine the distinctive Tendenz of each for this story. Codices D and W present the story in opposite ways but have parallel tendencies when it comes to plot and characterisation. On the other hand, B presents a more complex and variegated plot and characterisations which suggest that B contains the lectio difficilior. This narrative approach can serve textual critics as another way to approach internal arguments.

Journal Title
First Department
New Testament
Citation Information
Joel E Lisboa and Thomas Shepherd. "Comparative narrative analysis as a tool in determining the lectio difficilior in Mark 1:40-45 - a narrative analysis of Codices Bezae, Vaticanus, and Washingtonianus" Vol. 49 Iss. 1 (2015) p. 75 - 89
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