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Invitation to the Table Conversation: A Few Diverse Perspectives on Integration
  • Natalia Yangarber-Hicks
  • Charles Behensky
  • Sally Schwer
  • Kelly Schimmel Flanagan
  • Nicholas J.S. Gibson
  • Mitchell W. Hicks
  • Cynthia Neal Kimball
  • Jenny H. Pak
  • Thomas G Plante, Santa Clara University
  • Steven L. Porter
Document Type
Publication Date
Christian Association for Psychological Studies (CAPS)

This article represents an invitation to the "integration table" to several previously underrepresented perspectives within Christian psychology. The Judeo-Christian tradition and current views on scholarship and Christian faith compel us to extend hospitality to minority voices within integration, thereby enriching and challenging existing paradigms in the field. Contributors to this article, spanning areas of cultural, disciplinary, and theological diversity, provide suggestions for how their distinct voices can enhance future integrative efforts.


Copyright, Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Inc. Reprinted with permission.

Citation Information
"Yangarber-Hicks, Behensky, C., Canning, S.S., Flanagan, K.S., Gibson, N.J., Hicks, M.W., Kimball, C.N., Pak, J.H., Plante, T., & Porter, S.L. (2006). Invitation to the table conversation: A few diverse perspectives on integration. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 25, 338-353."