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Point-of-Care Electronic Prompts: An Effective Means of Increasing Compliance, Demonstrating Quality, and Improving Outcome
Anesthesia And Analgesia
  • Nanette M Schwann, MD, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Karen A Bretz, MD, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Sherrine Eid, MPH, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Terry L Burger, RN, BSN, MBA, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Deborah Fry, MT, MBA, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Frederick Ackler, CRNA, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Paul J Evans, CRNA, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • David Romanchuk, BS, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Michelle Beck, BS, MBA, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Anthony J Ardire, MD, MPH, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Harry Lukens, BS, MS, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Thomas M McLoughlin, Jr, MD, Lehigh Valley Health Network
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Schwann, N., Bretz, K., Eid, S., Burger, T., Fry, D., Ackler, F., & McLoughlin, T. (2011). Point-of-care electronic prompts: an effective means of increasing compliance, demonstrating quality, and improving outcome. Anesthesia And Analgesia, 113(4), 869-876.