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High superconducting anisotropy and weak vortex pinning in Co-doped LaFeAsO
Physical Review B
  • G. Li, Florida State University
  • G. Grissonnanche, Florida State University
  • J.-Q. Yan, Iowa State University
  • R. William McCallum, Iowa State University
  • Thomas A. Lograsso, Iowa State University
  • H. D. Zhou, Florida State University
  • L. Balicas, Florida State University
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Here, we present an electrical transport study in single crystals of LaFe0.92Co0.08AsO (Tc≃9.1 K) under high magnetic fields. In contrast to most of the previously reported Fe based superconductors, and despite its relatively low Tc, LaFe0.92Co0.08AsO shows a superconducting anisotropy which is comparable to those seen, for instance, in the cuprates or γH=Hc2ab/Hc2c=mc/mab≃9, where mc/mab is the effective-mass anisotropy, although, in the present case and as in all Fe based superconductors, γ→1 asT→0. Under the application of an external field, we also observe a remarkable broadening of the superconducting transition particularly for fields applied along the interplanar direction. Both observations indicate that the low dimensionality of LaFe1−xCoxAsO is likely to lead to a more complex vortex phase diagram when compared to the other Fe arsenides and consequently, to a pronounced dissipation associated with the movement of vortices in a possible vortex liquid phase. When compared to, for instance, F-doped compounds pertaining to the same family, we obtain rather small activation energies for the motion of vortices. This suggests that the disorder introduced by doping LaFeAsO with F is more effective in pinning the vortices than alloying it with Co.

This article is from Physical Review B 86 (2012): 054517, doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.86.054517.

Copyright Owner
American Physical Society
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Citation Information
G. Li, G. Grissonnanche, J.-Q. Yan, R. William McCallum, et al.. "High superconducting anisotropy and weak vortex pinning in Co-doped LaFeAsO" Physical Review B Vol. 86 Iss. 5 (2012) p. 054517
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