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Anisotropic magnetoelastic coupling in single-crystalline CeFeAsO as seen via high-resolution x-ray diffraction
Physical Review B
  • H.-F. Li, Institut Laue-Langevin
  • J.-Q. Yan, Iowa State University
  • J. W. Kim, Argonne National Laboratory
  • R. William McCallum, Iowa State University
  • Thomas A. Lograsso, Iowa State University
  • David Vaknin, Iowa State University
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Single-crystal synchrotron x-ray diffraction studies of CeFeAsO reveal strong anisotropy in the charge-correlation lengths along or perpendicular to the in-plane antiferromagnetic (AFM) wave vector at low temperatures, indicating an anisotropic two-dimensional magnetoelastic coupling. The high-resolution setup allows to distinctly monitor each of the twin domains by virtue of a finite misfit angle between them that follows the order parameter. In addition, we find that the in-plane correlations, above the orthorhombic (O)-to-tetragonal (T) transition, are shorter than those in each of the domains in the AFM phase, indicating a distribution of the in-plane lattice constants. This strongly suggests that the phase above the structural O-to-T transition is virtually T with strong O-T fluctuations that are probably induced by spin fluctuations.


This article is from Physical Review B 84 (2011): 220501(R), doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.84.220501.

Copyright Owner
American Physical Society
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Citation Information
H.-F. Li, J.-Q. Yan, J. W. Kim, R. William McCallum, et al.. "Anisotropic magnetoelastic coupling in single-crystalline CeFeAsO as seen via high-resolution x-ray diffraction" Physical Review B Vol. 84 Iss. 22 (2011) p. 220501(R)
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