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Linear thermal expansivity (1–300 K), specific heat (1–108 K), and electrical resistivity of the icosahedral quasicrystal i-Al61.4Cu25.4Fe13.2
Physical Review B
  • Clayton A. Swenson, Iowa State Unviersity
  • Thomas A. Lograsso, Iowa State University
  • A. R. Ross, Iowa State University
  • N. E. Anderson, Jr., Iowa State University
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Linear thermal expansivity (α, 1–300 K), heat capacity (Cp, 1–108 K), and electrical resistivity (ρ, 1–300 K) measurements are reported for single grain i-Al61.4Cu25.4Fe13.2 quasicrystals as a function of sample processing. While ρ(T) is sensitive to sample treatment, both Cp and α are relatively insensitive (to a few percent) except at the lowest temperatures (below 4 K), where an inverse correlation between ρ and the electronic Cp coefficient γ appears to exist. Dispersion effects (deviations from Debye-like behavior) in both Cp and the lattice Grüneisen parameter Γ are large and comparable with those for single grain i-Al71Pd21Mn08quasicrystal and its Al72Pd25Mn03 approximant [Phys. Rev. B 65, 184206 (2002)]. Since the 0-K Debye temperature [Θ0=536(2)K] is in reasonable agreement with that from 4-K elastic constants [548(8) K], a previous postulate for AlPdMn that these large dispersion effects are associated with high dispersion lattice modes in off-symmetry directions also appears to apply to i-Al-Cu-Fe. A comparison with other Cp data suggests that the major effects of sample treatment (and composition) are reflected, with a few exceptions, in the values of γ, with remarkably similar lattice contributions.

This article is from Physical Review B 66 (2002): 184206, doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.66.184206.

Copyright Owner
American Physical Society
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Citation Information
Clayton A. Swenson, Thomas A. Lograsso, A. R. Ross and N. E. Anderson. "Linear thermal expansivity (1–300 K), specific heat (1–108 K), and electrical resistivity of the icosahedral quasicrystal i-Al61.4Cu25.4Fe13.2" Physical Review B Vol. 66 Iss. 18 (2002) p. 184206
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