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Alabama Civil Rights & Civil Liberties Law Review (2021)
  • Thomas Kleven
Brown v. Board of Education was widely viewed as ushering in a new perspective of the Supreme Court on racial issues. Prior to Brown, the most significant Supreme Court cases addressing race were overtly racist and white supremacist, upholding state actions that explicitly favored whites and oppressed ethnic minorities.  While the Court’s approach after Brown has been less overt, I shall argue that its decisions have contributed to institutionalized racism, ensuring that the black community as a whole, as well as other people of color, are consigned to a subordinate position in our society. I shall then offer thoughts on what is now needed to revitalize the struggle for racial justice.

  • Supreme Court,
  • institutional racism
Publication Date
Citation Information
Thomas Kleven. "SupremeCourtInst'lRacism.doc" Alabama Civil Rights & Civil Liberties Law Review Vol. 12.2 (2021) p. 276 - 293
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