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Riparian Buffer Systems
Agriculture and Environment Extension Publications
  • Richard C. Schultz, Iowa State University
  • Amy Kuehl, Iowa State University
  • Joseph P. Colletti, Iowa State University
  • Paul H. Wray, Iowa State University
  • Thomas M. Isenhart, Iowa State University
Extension Number
PM 1626A
Streams lined with tress, shrubs, grasses , and abundant wildlife contribute to more than a beautiful landscape. Restoration of the land's natural riparian buffer system can improve water quality. prevent soil erosion, and build diversity that has been lost with modem land uses.
Series Title
Steward of Our Streams
Publication Date:
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach
  • water quality,
  • soil erosion,
  • riparian buffers

This paper is Iowa State University Extension and Outreach PM 1626A (1997): 4 pp. Posted with permission.


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Citation Information
Richard C. Schultz, Amy Kuehl, Joseph P. Colletti, Paul H. Wray, et al.. "Riparian Buffer Systems" Ames, IA(1997)
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