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Nucleotide sequence of the yeast cell division cycle start genes CDC28, CDC36, CDC37 , and CDC39 , and a structural analysis of the predicted products
Nucleic Acids Research (1986)
  • Jill Ferguson, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Jeong-Yau Ho, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Thomas A. Peterson, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Steven I. Reed, University of California, Santa Barbara
The nucleotide sequences of the yeast cell division cycle start genes CDC36 , CDC37 , and CDC39 are presented. An open reading frame corresponding in size and mapped position to the mRNA for each gene was revealed. These sequences, as well as that of the CDC28 gene, were analyzed for the presence of consensus sequences postulated to be transcriptional or translational signals, or to be involved in mRNA processing. In addition, the predicted protein products of the four genes were subjected to a number of structural and statistical analyses including codon usage bias analysis, secondary structure analysis and hydropathicity analysis.
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Publisher Statement
© IRL Press Limited, Oxford, England
Citation Information
Jill Ferguson, Jeong-Yau Ho, Thomas A. Peterson and Steven I. Reed. "Nucleotide sequence of the yeast cell division cycle start genes CDC28, CDC36, CDC37 , and CDC39 , and a structural analysis of the predicted products" Nucleic Acids Research Vol. 14 Iss. 16 (1986) p. 6681 - 6697
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