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An Incremental Reseeding Strategy for Clustering
Mathematics, Statistics and Data Science Faculty Works
  • Xavier Bresson, University of Lausanne
  • Huiyi Hu, University of California, Los Angeles
  • Thomas Laurent, Loyola Marymount University
  • Arthur Szlam
  • James von Brecht, University of California, Los Angeles
Document Type
Article - pre-print
Publication Date

In this work we propose a simple and easily parallelizable algorithm for multiway graph partitioning. The algorithm alternates between three basic components: diffusing seed vertices over the graph, thresholding the diffused seeds, and then randomly reseeding the thresholded clusters. We demonstrate experimentally that the proper combination of these ingredients leads to an algorithm that achieves state-of-the-art performance in terms of cluster purity on standard benchmarks datasets. Moreover, the algorithm runs an order of magnitude faster than the other algorithms that achieve comparable results in terms of accuracy. We also describe a coarsen, cluster and refine approach similar to GRACLUS and METIS that removes an additional order of magnitude from the runtime of our algorithm while still maintaining competitive accuracy.

Original Publication Citation
X. Bresson, H. Hu, T. Laurent, A. Szlam, and J von Brecht. An Incremental Reseeding Strategy for Clustering, unpublished, 2014.
Citation Information
Xavier Bresson, Huiyi Hu, Thomas Laurent, Arthur Szlam, et al.. "An Incremental Reseeding Strategy for Clustering" (2014)
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