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Teacher Thinking Associated with Science Specific Mentor Preparation
Science Education (2010)
  • Thomas R. Koballa, Jr., University of Georgia
  • Julie Kittleson, University of Georgia
  • Leslie U. Bradbury, Appalachian State University
  • Michael J. Dias, Kennesaw State University
Framed by sociocultural theory, the purpose of the study was to understand the cultural tools used by science teachers when leaning to mentor and how tool use may lead to the construction of new understandings about mentoring. The participants were 37 experienced teachers enrolled in a federally funded science-specific mentor preparation program. Data took the form of interview transcripts, electronic bulletin board postings, and written cases. Program participants were found to use a range of tools to mediate their thinking about science teacher mentoring. Analysis of data revealed that the participants used the discourse of science teaching as well as such tools as classroom observation strategies and interpersonal mentoring approaches, to mediate their thinking about mentoring. The participants' tools also included images that mediated their responses to specific mentoring challenges and dilemmas that highlighted for them contradictions in their thinking about mentoring. The cultural tools used by the science teachers when learning to mentor provide insight into how they think about science teacher mentoring and the nature of the professional learning experiences needed to enable them to develop as mentors.
  • Teacher thinking,
  • Sociocultural theory,
  • Education
Publication Date
April 16, 2010
Citation Information
Thomas R. Koballa, Julie Kittleson, Leslie U. Bradbury and Michael J. Dias. "Teacher Thinking Associated with Science Specific Mentor Preparation" Science Education Vol. 94 Iss. 6 (2010) p. 1072 - 1091
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