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About Glen Irwin

Glenn Irwin has taught a variety of English courses ranging from Nature Writing to Myth in Modern Literature to Business Writing and has won awards for his poetry and fiction. He began teaching after years of working in the lumber yards, factories, and warehouses of St. Louis. Partially because of this background, he designs his writing classes around his belief in the complexity of all students and what he sees as a human desire to express that complexity clearly. He believes, as Joan Didion states, that we write to figure out what we think.


Present Assistant Teaching Professor, University of Missouri-St. Louis Department of English

Research Interests

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  • English 2040: Introduction to the Writing of Fiction
  • English 2720: American Literature II
  • English 3030: Poetry Writing
  • English 3040: Fiction Writing Workshop: Narrative Techniques
  • English 3100: Junior-Level Writing

Contact Information

Phone: 314-516-5574


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