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Monthly faculty development sessions across states and sponsoring institutions
Aurora GME
  • Deborah Simpson, Advocate Health - Midwest
  • Jacob Bidwell, Advocate Health - Midwest
  • Thomas Hansen, Advocate Health - Midwest
  • Lindsay Pascarella, Advocate Health - Midwest
  • Tricia La Fratta, Advocate Health - Midwest
  • Theresa Frederick, Advocate Health - Midwest
  • Jennifer Hartlaub, Advocate Health - Midwest
  • Karen Hanus, Advocate Health - Midwest
  • Kristin Ouweneel, Advocate Health - Midwest
Scholarly Activity Date
Presentation Notes
Presented at the 2024 ACGME Annual Education Conference. March 7-9, 2024; Orlando, FL.


Throughout the ACGME’s commissioned report entitled the Sponsoring Institution 2025 (SI2025), the role of the GME office in supporting centralized educational activities across programs is highlighted, including faculty development (FacDev). Annually GME faculty must pursue FacDev (CPE II.B.2.f). Yet many GME programs continue to provide FacDev within their programs – often resulting in inefficient use of SI speakers, program resources, and faculty time. Program specific FacDev offerings were further exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in a loss of community and connectedness across teachers within and between our GME programs. A review of FacDev-related items on annual program evaluations (APE), ACGME faculty and resident surveys, and clinical teaching evaluations revealed an opportunity to convene a monthly GME wide virtual FacDev session with cross-cutting topics applicable to all faculty.


A monthly “FacDev Series” (SNC) for all GME faculty (and if successful, incorporate UME faculty since often there is overlap) can be effectively offered by the central GME office.


Initially, leadership reviewed the APE, clinical teaching evaluations for one sponsoring institution (SI), and the ACGME faculty surveys to identify cross-cutting topics. Additional topics were derived from recent Clinical Learning Environment Review (CLER) reports. A small planning committee composed of GME Office leaders, including, a Ph.D. educator was formed. This group identified FacDev session topics, established dates and time frames (4th Thursday/month at 5:00 p.m.), recruited presenters, and collaborated with the CME office to obtain credit. FacDev The plan was presented to a standing sub-committee of the graduate medical education committee (GMEC) who supported its implementation. Calendar invites were sent to all GME faculty with the designated institutional official (DIO) serving as moderator. Over time, planning and participation expanded to include a second SI in our health care system with moderating roles alternating between DIOs.


34 sessions have been offered since Jan 2021 avoiding months with major holiday/summer month(s). Topics have ranged from core education (eg, actionable feedback, coaching, clinical teaching pearls from outstanding teachers, assessment bias) to DE&I (eg, microaggressions & psychological safety, AAMC’s DE&I competencies with selected programs examples, social media) and quality/safety. Initially, sessions were 30 min, now 45 min based on feedback. Presenters are drawn from within our SIs to invited guests (eg, Amazon HR Executive, ACGME). Since our 2-state/2 SI’s collaboration, attendance has ranged from 35 – 88/session. Typical closing chat comments include “fantastic,” informative,” “practical,” and “wonderful presenters.” 2022 CME credit data reveals 253 participants: 2023 to date = 202. Over 90% would likely or definitely recommend this activity to their peers with > 78% reporting that session learning(s) would change their practice behavior.

Significance/Implications/Relevance (406/1,000)

Monthly GME-wide FacDev sessions can be effectively offered and sustained by the central GME leadership team. It is easy to design and implement with CME credit and can be adopted by other SI’s allowing programs to build on/expand their existing FacDev offerings. Utilizing speakers drawn from array of programs enriches the sessions with new perspectives and allows connection/dialogue between programs.

Citation Information

Simpson D, Bidwell J, Hansen T, et al. Monthly faculty development sessions across states and sponsoring institutions. Abstract booklet pg 21-2. 2024 ACGME Annual Education Conference. March 7-9, 2024; Orlando, FL.