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A Doubly Deprotonated Diimine Dioximate Metalloligand as a Synthon for Multimetallic Complex Assembly
Dalton Transactions (2016)
  • Danielle Henckel, University of Washington
  • Yuting F. Lin, University of Washington
  • Theresa M. McCormick, Portland State University
  • Werner Kaminsky, University of Washington - Seattle Campus
  • Brandi M, Cossairt, University of Washington
An electrocatalytically active cobalt diimine monoxime monoximate complex was deprotonated by 1-methylimidazole affording a doubly deprotonated complex that serves as a versatile precursor for synthesis of a variety of multimetallic complexes with Co–Zn, –Cd, –Mn and –Ru coordination. These complexes were studied using a combination of spectroscopic, analytical and electrochemical techniques, revealing the electronic and structural parameters unique to this new class of compounds. The ability of these complexes to catalyze proton reduction was also investigated. These complexes are homogeneous electrocatalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction through reduction of [NEt3H][BPh4] in CH3CN, however decompose under extended electrolysis conditions.
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Publisher Statement
Copyright 2016 The Royal Society of Chemistry

This research was supported by startup funds from the University of Washington and the ACS Petroleum Research Fund through grant number 54226-DNI3.

Citation Information
Henckel, D. A., Lin, Y. F., McCormick, T. M., Kaminsky, W., Cossairt, B. M., Ceccon, A., … Meyer, T. J. (2016). A doubly deprotonated diimine dioximate metalloligand as a synthon for multimetallic complex assembly. Dalton Trans., 45(24), 10068–10075.