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A Direct Dynamics Trajectory Study of F- + CH3OOH Reactive Collisions Reveals a Major Non-IRC Reaction Path
Journal of the American Chemical Society (2007)
  • Jose G. Lopez, Texas Tech University
  • Grigoriy Vayner, Texas Tech University
  • Upakarasamy Lourderaj, Texas Tech University
  • Srirangam V. Addepalli, Texas Tech University
  • Shuji Kato, University of Colorado
  • Wibe A. de Jong, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • Theresa L. Windus, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • William L. Hase, Texas Tech University
A direct dynamics simulation at the B3LYP/6-311+G(d,p) level of theory was used to study the F- + CH3OOH reaction dynamics. The simulations are in excellent agreement with a previous experimental study (J. Am. Chem. Soc.2002, 124, 3196). Two product channels, HF + CH2O + OH- and HF + CH3OO-, are observed. The former dominates and occurs via an ECO2 mechanism in which F- attacks the CH3− group, abstracting a proton. Concertedly, a carbon−oxygen double bond is formed and OH- is eliminated. Somewhat surprisingly this is not the reaction path, predicted by the intrinsic reaction coordinate (IRC), which leads to a deep potential energy minimum for the CH2(OH)2···F- complex followed by dissociation to HF + CH2(OH)O-. None of the direct dynamics trajectories followed this path, which has an energy release of −63 kcal/mol and is considerably more exothermic than the ECO2 path whose energy release is −27 kcal/mol. Other product channels not observed, and which have a lower energy than that for the ECO2 path, are F- + CO + H2 + H2O (−43 kcal/mol), F- + CH2O + H2O (−51 kcal/mol), and F- + CH2(OH)2 (−60 kcal/mol). Formation of the CH3OOH···F- complex, with randomization of its internal energy, is important, and this complex dissociates via the ECO2 mechanism. Trajectories which form HF + CH3OO- are nonstatistical events and, for the 4 ps direct dynamics simulation, are not mediated by the CH3OOH···F- complex. Dissociation of this complex to form HF + CH3OO- may occur on longer time scales.
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Publisher Statement
Reprinted (adapted) with permission from J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2007, 129 (32), pp 9976–9985. Copyright 2007 American Chemical Society.
Citation Information
Jose G. Lopez, Grigoriy Vayner, Upakarasamy Lourderaj, Srirangam V. Addepalli, et al.. "A Direct Dynamics Trajectory Study of F- + CH3OOH Reactive Collisions Reveals a Major Non-IRC Reaction Path" Journal of the American Chemical Society Vol. 129 Iss. 32 (2007) p. 9976 - 9985
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