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About Theresa Burress

Theresa Burress is an Associate Librarian at University of South Florida St. Petersburg (USFSP), providing a range of liaison services for students and faculty in Biology, Marine Science, Environmental & Geospatial programs as well as associated Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics courses. She is also liaison to the Honors College. Theresa’s research explores the intersections between information and data literacy, student research success, and digital scholarship. Her research agenda is strongly practitioner focused, while advancing theory within librarianship and expanding the professional framework for data literacy. Recent publications investigate the value and relevance of data literacy from the perspective of faculty and students in higher education, especially as related to the support of student research success. 


Present Assistant Director of Research & Instruction and Science Librarian, University of South Florida
2018 - 2020 Science Librarian, University of South Florida St. Petersburg
2014 - 2018 Humanities Librarian, New College of Florida ‐ Cook Library
2005 - 2014 Part-time Reference Librarian/Adjunct, St. Petersburg College
2002 - 2014 Science Librarian, CNTS, contracted to United States Geological Survey (USGS) ‐ USGS St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center
1998 - 2002 Business & Engineering Librarian, Tampa Electric Company ‐ Library
1997 - 1998 Legislative Librarian, Dickstein, Shapiro, Morin & Oshinnksky


2019 Article "Exploring Data Literacy via a Librarian-Faculty Learning Community: A case study"
USFSP Academic Affairs
Open Access Publication Fund
Colleague(s): Emily Mann, Tina Neville
2019 Assessing Information & Data Literacy Outcomes in USFSP Undergraduate Student Research Posters
USFSP Office of Research
2018 - 2019 Data Literacy Across the Curriculum
USFSP Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning
Faculty Learning Community
Colleague(s): Tina Neville
2017 Supporting Creative Writing in the Community
Mellon Foundation and New College of Florida
Colleague(s): Andrea Dimino and Alberto Portugal
2016 Cubano-American Community Project
Florida Humanities Council
Colleague(s): Sonia Labrador-Rodriguez
2015 Science on Parade
Science Festival Alliance
Role: Co-PI
Colleague(s): St. Petersburg Science Festival Co-Chair Howard Rutherford, Jacksonville Science Festival, and Indian River Lagoon Science Festival
2015 “Data Discussions” Faculty Seminar
New College of Florida President’s Office
Colleague(s): Tammera Race
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Professional Service and Affiliations

2016 - Present Peer Reviewer, Communications in Information Literacy
2013 - Present Author Introducer, Tampa Bay Times Festival of Reading
2020 - 2022 Secretary, ACRL Digital Scholarship Section
2017 - 2021 Member, Professional Development Committee, ACRL Digital Scholarship Section
2013 - 2020 Peer Reviewer, International Information and Library Review
2012 - 2019 Festival Co-Chair, St. Petersburg Science Festival
2016 - 2018 Secretary, Florida Digital Humanities Consortium Executive Council
2015 - 2018 Editor-at-large, dh+lib e-newsletter, ACRL Digital Humanities Interest Group
2017 Program Committee, HASTAC 2017: The Possible Worlds of Digital Humanities, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL
2016 - 2017 Member, ACRL/Literatures in English Section (LES) Conference Program Planning Committee, Chicago 2017
2016 - 2017 Secretary, Toast of the Bay Club, Toastmasters, Intl.
2009 - 2014 Volunteer, National Ocean Sciences Spoonbill Bowl, St. Petersburg, FL
2012 - 2013 Program Chair, St. Petersburg Science Festival
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Honors and Awards

  • 2018 Outstanding Program Award by Southeastern Library Association for Cubano-American Community Project
  • 2017 Library Journal "Mover and Shaker"


M.L.S., University of Maryland ‐ College of Information Studies
B.A., Florida State University ‐ English Literature

Contact Information

Office: POY 130
Phone: 727-873-4977


Peer Reviewed Articles (6)

Book Chapter (4)

Technical Reports (3)

Map Journal (1)

Presentation (10)

Other Publications (7)