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Urban greenways: a systematic review and typology
Land (2020)
  • *Olivia S. Horte
  • Theodore S. Eisenman, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
Greenways are multifunctional linear landscapes that provide a range of socio-ecological
benefits. As a domain of landscape planning research, greenways gained traction in the late 20th
century and today, there is substantial interest in greenway planning and design. This is especially
true in urban areas, as noted at the sixth Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning. Yet,
cities encompass biophysical flows, sociopolitical relationships, and formal structures that are distinct
from non-urban areas and urban greenways may reflect an evolving type of landscape planning
and design that is related to but distinct from greenways writ large. To the best of our knowledge,
there has been no previous review of scholarship on greenways in an urban context. We address the
aforementioned gaps by reporting on a systematic assessment of peer-reviewed literature. The review
encompasses 52 refereed articles using the term “urban greenway” or “urban greenways” in the
title, abstract, or keywords drawn from three prominent academic databases. Our analysis covers
seven research categories, and this undergirds a typology and definition of urban greenways. In so
doing, we seek to illuminate typical traits of urban greenways to inform future landscape planning
scholarship and practice.
  • urban greenways; urban parks; urban greening; green infrastructure; systematic review; landscape typology
Publication Date
February 1, 2020
Citation Information
*Olivia S. Horte and Theodore S. Eisenman. "Urban greenways: a systematic review and typology" Land Vol. 9 Iss. 2 (2020) p. 40 ISSN: EISSN 2073-445X
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