Light Motion Machines
formZ Joint Study Journal 2006-2007
Publication Date
Students worked in four teams of three to four each and were assigned the construction of a light motion machine. Teams developed devices, which were an interpretation of László Moholy-Nagy’s 1930’s Space Light Modular Machine. These machines had to have moving parts for the purpose of studying light and shadow projections in motion. László Moholy-Nagy’s Space Light Modular Machine was a mechanically driven rotating kaleidoscope projecting ever-changing patterns of light, shadow, and color. Students were provided information on Moholy-Nagy’s machine and also shown a range of interpretations students developed in a previous studio.
Citation Information
Thomas Fowler, IV. "Light Motion Machines" formZ Joint Study Journal 2006-2007 (2006) p. 36 - 41 Available at: http://works.bepress.com/tfowler/5/