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World-wide variation in incisor shoveling reveals evidence of selection in the Beringian Standstill population
88th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists (2019)
  • Leslea J. Hlusko
  • J. P. Carlson
  • G. Chaplin
  • S. A. Elias
  • Tesla A. Monson, Western Washington University
  • J. F. Hoffecker
  • M. S. Huffman
  • N. G. Jablonski
  • D. H. O'Rourke
  • M. A. Pilloud
  • C. Taylor
  • G. R. Scott
Publication Date
March, 2019
Cleaveland, Ohio
Citation Information
Hlusko LJ, Carlson JP, Chaplin G, Elias SA, Hoffecker JF, Huffman M, Jablonski NG, Monson TA, O’Rourke DH, Pilloud MA, Taylor C., Scott GR. 2019. World-wide variation in incisor shoveling reveals evidence of selection in the Beringian Standstill population. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 168:104-104.