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Identification of a Derived Dental Trait in the Papionini Relative to Other Old World Monkeys
American Journal of Physical Anthropology (2014)
  • Tesla A. Monson, University of California, Berkeley
  • Leslea J. Hlusko, University of California, Berkeley
Variation in the shape of teeth provides an immense amount of information about the evolutionary history and adaptive strategy of a mammalian lineage. Here, we explore variation in the expression of a purported molar lingual remnant (the interconulus) across the Old World Monkeys (Primates: Cercopithecidae) with the aim of elucidating a component of the adaptive radiation of this family. This radiation is characterized by a wide geographic range (Asia and Africa) as well as diverse dietary niches. While all of the cercopithecids are distinguished by their derived bilophodont molars, the colobines have evolved taller and more pointed cusps compared with the cercopithecines. We investigate whether the interconulus also correlates with phylogenetic affinity and/or dietary adaptation. We assess the frequency and range of interconulus expression in 522 specimens representing seven species of Old World Monkeys (Cercopithecus mitisn = 78; Macaca fascicularisn = 85; Macaca mulattan = 70; Papio hamadryasn = 55; Colobus guerezan = 76; Presbytis melalophosn = 82; Presbytis rubicundan = 76). Results show that the interconulus has a significantly higher frequency and degree of expression in Tribe Papionini and exhibits ordered metameric variation with greatest expression in the third molars. Given the rarity of the interconulus in other closely related taxa, and its morphological distinction from the purportedly homologous features in other primates, we interpret the high degree of expression of the interconulus to be a trait derived in papionins that originated in the Miocene baboon/macaque ancestor.
  • Cercopithedidae,
  • Dentition,
  • Metameric variation
Publication Date
November 1, 2014
Publisher Statement
© 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Citation Information
Tesla A. Monson and Leslea J. Hlusko. "Identification of a Derived Dental Trait in the Papionini Relative to Other Old World Monkeys" American Journal of Physical Anthropology Vol. 155 Iss. 3 (2014) p. 422 - 429
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