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Evaluation of the Family-to-Family Homelessness Prevention Project: Final Report (January 1, 2011-October 31, 2013)
Center for Social Policy Publications
  • Terry S. Lane, University of Massachusetts Boston
  • Mary Coonan, University of Massachusetts Boston
  • Arthur MacEwan, University of Massachusetts Boston
  • Risa Takenaka, University of Massachusetts Boston
Document Type
Research Report
Publication Date

This report describes implementation of the Homelessness Prevention Project of the Family-to-Family Program in Boston over nearly three years: January 1, 2011 and October 31, 2013. The project intended to help families to avoid imminent loss of their housing units. It selected participants that had good prospects for long-term housing and income stability. Project staff thought that modest financial assistance plus case management would enable these families to regain and perhaps even improve their personal and economic circumstances. The Oak Foundation provided major financial support for the project.

The report describes the administration of the project, and then examines the characteristics of all of the participant families at the time of enrollment compared to the screening criteria established by the program. It then explores the experiences of participant families after they received their grant awards. It gives special attention to the experiences of those that received final grant awards 12 or more months before September 30, 2013.

The report draws on data provided to the evaluation team by three agencies that administered the grants. It also describes findings from in-depth interviews with 12 families who received assistance from the program and interviews with representatives of the Family-to Family program and the three agencies that distributed funds and provided case management (HomeStart, Project Hope, and Travelers’ Aid/Family Aid).

Copyright held by the Center for Social Policy, University of Massachusetts Boston. All rights reserved.
Citation Information
Terry S. Lane, Mary Coonan, Arthur MacEwan and Risa Takenaka. "Evaluation of the Family-to-Family Homelessness Prevention Project: Final Report (January 1, 2011-October 31, 2013)" (2013)
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