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Greater sage-grouse reproductive ecology and response to experimental management of mountain big sagebrush on Parker Mountain, Utah
  • David K. Dahlgren
I evaluated the effects of 2 mechanical treatments that may be used to manage greater sage-grouse (C. urophasianus) habitat. Dixie harrow and Lawson aerator treatments were conducted in replicated plots that contained (> 38% canopy cover) stands of mountain big sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata vaseyana). I monitored shrub and herbaceous vegetation response. Both treatments effectively reduced shrub canopy to guidelines for sage-grouse brood-rearing habitat (10-25%). Dixie harrow responded with an increase in herbaceous cover. Additionally, I added Tebuthiuron plots and monitored sage-grouse use within all plots. Sage-grouse, and broods specifically, preferred Tebuthiuron plots compared to mechanical or control. I monitored sage-grouse hens during their reproductive efforts in 2003 and 2004 (n = 25 and 9, respectively). In 2003 and 2004, nest initiation rates were 95% and 56%, nest success was 50% and 80%, and mortality was 36% and 22%, respectively. Brood sites exhibited 20.1% shrub and 16.5% herbaceous cover.
Publication Date
Master of Science
Field of study
Wildlife Biology
Forestry, Range, and Wildlife Sciences
Terry A. Messmer
Citation Information
David K. Dahlgren. "Greater sage-grouse reproductive ecology and response to experimental management of mountain big sagebrush on Parker Mountain, Utah" (2006)
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