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Virtual study groups: A challenging centerpiece for "working adult" management education
Management & Entrepreneurship
  • Gregory B. Northcraft
  • Terri L. Griffith, Santa Clara University
  • Mark A. Fuller
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
Information Science Publishing/IGI Global

Groups and teams are critical to modern organizations, and consequently management education has incorporated groups as a centerpiece of both content (the study of group process) and process (the use of study groups and group projects). Unfortunately, working-adult educational programs appear to have yet to take an important final step - acknowledging that study groups often interact virtually and then providing support for virtual study group interaction. We provide both theory and data concerning the use of study groups as virtual teams. We believe that there are important benefits to be gained when study groups make educated decisions about the design and process of their virtual interaction.

Chapter of
Teaching and Learning with Virtual Teams

This chapter appears in Teaching and Learning with Virtual Teams edited by Sharmila Pixy Ferris and Susan H. Godar. Copyright 2006, IGI Global, Posted by permission of the publisher.

Citation Information
Northcraft, Gregory B., Terri L. Griffith, and Mark A. Fuller. "Virtual Study Groups: A Challenging Centerpiece for "working Adult" Management Education." Teaching and Learning with Virtual Teams. Ed. Sharmila Pixy. Ferris and Susan Hayes Godar. Hershey, PA: Information Science Publishin, 2006. 131-57.