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Cross-cultural and cognitive issues in the implementation of new technology: Focus on group support systems and Bulgaria
Management & Entrepreneurship
  • Terri L. Griffith, Santa Clara University
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Elsevier B.V.

Over 40 per cent of technology implementation attempts in the United States (US) fail. These failures often are the result of human (rather than technological) problems. The consequences of implementers installing in one country equipment designed in another should be even more problematic and ubiquitous, as technology designers continue to move into international markets. A cognitive model of cross-cultural implementation is tested, using a US-designed group support system (GSS) and groups of Bulgarian and US university students. Bulgarians were expected to be less critical of the technology due to cultural responses to power and authority (i.e., less likely to challenge authority) and therefore less successful in adapting to the technology. However, results suggest that the Bulgarian students may in fact be more likely to challenge authority than their US counterparts. As hypothesized, Power Distance mediates some of the effects between culture and satisfaction with the GSS.

Citation Information
Griffith, T.L. (1998). Cross-cultural and cognitive issues in the implementation of new technology: Focus on group support systems and Bulgaria. Interacting with Computers, 9, 431-447.