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About Teresa Bigand, PhD, MSN, RN, CNL, CMSRN

Teresa has interest in non-pharmacological symptom management for adults with chronic pain who use opioid medications. Recommendations based on cross-sectional work include integrative treatment of pain symptoms via improving sleep quality, increasing self-efficacy, treating depressive symptoms, and managing overweight status. Teresa has studied prevalence of food insecurity among food bank users in Eastern Washington and relationships between food insecurity and health conditions such as chronic pain, depression, and overweight. Teresa has also explored descriptives of adults with chronic pain who use opioid medications and cannabis to treat pain.

Currently, Teresa is studying the nursing population to understand the impact of 12-hour shifts (both day and night workers) on sleep, stress, ability to take breaks, and diet. Her interest in the nursing population is both personal (as a nurse herself) and scientific in that studying relationships between health symptoms in a healthy population may be more generalizable to a sick population, specifically adults with chronic pain using opioid medications.


Present Magnet Program Director, Providence

Curriculum Vitae



2018 - Present Examining nutrition status among nurses working 12-hour night and day shifts.
Selinger Shone Foundation
Role: Co-PI
2018 - Present Night shift nurses’ perceptions of barriers and solutions to restful breaks and nutrition
Kootenai Health/WSU
Role: Co-I
2018 - 2018 A health and nutrition survey of food bank users
Selinger Shone Foundation
Role: Co-PI
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Honors and Awards

  • 2007 President’s scholarship for cost of undergraduate tuition
  • 2007-2011 -Dean’s List
  • 2011 -Graduated magna cum laude from Bachelor of Arts program
  • 2011 -Invited to join Arête society
  • 2012 -Invited to join Sigma Theta Tau honors society
  • 2013 -Tacoma General Legacy
  • 2016 -Teaching Assistantship Appointment for cost of fall and spring doctoral tuition
  • 2016 -Nursing Economics Foundation Scholarship for nursing education
  • 2017 Best Poster Award voted at ASPMN annual conference
  • 2017 -Carl M. Hansen Travel fund
  • 2017 -IENA Nursing Scholarship
  • 2017 -IENA Travel Grant to attend WSNA’s biennial conference
  • 2017 -WSNA Travel Grant to attend ANA’s national conference
  • 2017 -Dorothy Detlor Graduate Fellowship in Nursing Education
  • 2018 - Best Poster in the Student/Fellow/Resident Category voted at the Integrative Pain Management’s Global Pain Clinical Summit: Pain Management Conference
  • 2018 - Most Visually Appealing Poster Award voted at STTI-Delta Chi-At Large New Member Fall Induction and Research Event
  • 2018 - Research travel grant from ASWSUHS committee
  • 2018 -Research travel grant from Dr. Marian Wilson
  • 2018 -Carl M. Hansen Travel Fund
  • 2018 -Washington State University President’s LEAD award
  • 2018 -Graduate Student Conference Grant to attend the Western Institute of Nursing
  • 2018 -Evalyn Johnson Byers Nursing Scholarship
  • 2019 -George and Alice Barnes Williams Nursing Scholarship
  • 2019 -Second place in the GPSA Research Exposition for the Medical and Life Sciences category


2019 PhD Nursing Science and Research, Washington State University
2013 MSN Care and Outcomes Management, Pacific Lutheran University
2011 BA Biology, Pacific Lutheran University
2011 BA Hispanic Studies, Pacific Lutheran University

Research Works (12)