Inequality under Authoritarian Rule
Government and Opposition
Since the turn of the century, much comparative politics scholarship has examined whether and how income inequality affects the prospects of democratization and, to a lesser extent, whether democracy reduces inequality. What is lacking, however, is a close examination of the extent of income inequality in authoritarian regimes. This article examines the variation in inequality across authoritarian regimes and argues that electoral competition – in conjunction with party ideology and the extent of party institutionalization – helps explain the pattern of inequality under authoritarian rule. I find that electoral authoritarian (EA) regimes – regimes in which multiple parties legally compete in elections – have lower levels of inequality compared to non-EA regimes. I further find that inequality is lower in EA regimes with left-leaning ruling parties and more institutionalized party systems. This analysis highlights the value of exploring the dynamics and contingent effects of electoral competition in authoritarian regimes.
- authoritarian regimes,
- income inequality,
- electoral competition,
- ideology,
- party institutionalization
Publication Date
April, 2021
Citation Information
Terence Teo. "Inequality under Authoritarian Rule" Government and Opposition Vol. 56 Iss. 2 (2021) p. 201 - 225 ISSN: 1477-7053 Available at: http://works.bepress.com/terence-teo/10/