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Corrigendum to "Evidence for Slow Late-Glacial Ice Retreat in the Upper Rangitata Valley, South Island, New Zealand" [Quat. Sci. Rev. 185 (2018) 102–112]
Quaternary Science Reviews
  • James Shulmeister, University of Queensland
  • David Fink, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
  • Stefan Winkler, Universität Würzburg
  • Glenn D. Thackray, Idaho State University
  • Rosabella Borsellino, University of Queensland
  • Maree Hemmingsen, Primary Science Solutions LTD.
  • Tammy M. Rittenour, Utah State University
Document Type
Pergamon Press
Publication Date

It has been brought to our attention, following a recent publication by Barrell et al. (2019), that the elevations for 12 of 23 boulders reported in our publication, Shulmeister et al., v185, 102–112 (2018) are incorrect. For these 12 samples, the true elevations are higher and hence all exposure ages based on their respective 10Be concentration measurements require a downward correction of between 10 and 15%. This change in age does not alter our main conclusions but does have some implication for the initiation and pace of deglaciation.

Citation Information
Shulmeister, J., Fink, D., Winkler, S., Thackray, G.T., Borsellino, R., Hemmingsen, M., Rittenour, T.M., 2019. Corrigendum to “Evidence for slow late-glacial ice retreat in the upper Rangitata Valley, South Island, New Zealand” [Quat. Sci. Rev. 185 (2018) 102-112.” Quaternary Science Reviews 219, 319-320