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Contribution to Book
City Life: What a Wonderful Way of Life – Aging in the Urban Environment
The Collective Spirit of Aging Across Cultures (2014)
  • Dr. Kimberly Yancey
  • Tamika Baldwin-Clark, Prairie View A&M University
  • Dr. Ama R. Saran
  • Halaevalu F. O. Vakalahi,
This chapter attempts to discuss the complexities of aging in an urban context with specific attention to a few salient issues that intersects across cultural groups in urban communities. Older adults in urban environments are examined from People in Place of what it is like growing up in an urban environment. Challenges for Urban Elders dealing with urban issues of substance abuse, mental health, HIV/AIDS, and general health are addressed. Existing strategies and approaches to dealing with issues of urban environments for older adults are considered. Intersectionality, Systems/Ecological, and the Strengths Perspective are the theories guiding the discussion of both the positive and challenges of older adults aging in an urban environment. Through the lens of these theories, the multi-facets of urban context and older adults will be better understood.
  • urban,
  • aging,
  • challenges,
  • strategies and approaches
Publication Date
Winter February 7, 2014
Drs. Halaevalu F. Ofahengaue Vakalahi, Gaynell M. Simpson, and Nancy Giunta
International Perspectives on Aging
Citation Information
Kimberly Yancey, Tamika Baldwin-Clark, Ama R. Saran and Halaevalu F. O. Vakalahi. "City Life: What a Wonderful Way of Life – Aging in the Urban Environment" 2014The Collective Spirit of Aging Across Cultures Vol. 9 (2014) p. 207 - 228
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