- Mesopelagic,
- Crustacean electrophysiology,
- Vision,
- Deep-sea
The spectral sensitivities of 12 species of mesopelagic crustaceans were studied by means of electrophysiological recordings. Nine of the species are vertical migrators, while 3 are not, and 9 species possess bioluminescent organs, while 3 are not bioluminescent. All species had a single peak of spectral sensitivity with maxima between 470 nm and 500 nm. There was no apparent correlation between sensitivity maxima and daytime depth distribution, migratory behavior, or the presence or absence of bioluminescent organs. With the exception of the hyperiid amphipod Phronima sedentaria, the spectral sensitivities of these mesopelagic crustaceans demonstrate a better match for maximum sensitivity to bioluminescence than to downwelling light.
NOAA subgrant #s: NAGL-95-02, UNCW 9410; University of Connecticut award #: NA46RU0146; NSF grant #: OCE-9313972
Available at: http://works.bepress.com/tamara-frank/9/
©Springer-Verlag 1999