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Excitation of Limulus Photoreceptors by Hydrolysis-Resistant Analogs of cGMP and cAMP
Brain Research
  • Jane M. Feng, University of Connecticut
  • Tamara M. Frank, University of Connecticut
  • Alan Fein, University of Connecticut
Document Type
Publication Date
  • Limulus polyphemus,
  • Photoreceptor,
  • Cyclic guanosine 5′-phosphate,
  • Cyclic adenosine 5′-phosphate

cGMP was proposed to be the agent which directly opens the light-sensitive channel in Limulus ventral photoreceptors. However, the light-sensitive rhabdomeral-lobe (R-lobe) is not uniformly responsive to cGMP injection; that is, there are ‘hot spots’ of sensitivity. A potent phosphodiesterase which rapidly hydrolyses cGMP was suggested to explain the existence of these ‘hot spots’. To test this idea we injected ventral photoreceptors with hydrolysis-resistant cyclic nucleotide analogues. Whereas there can be a lack of a response to cGMP injection into the R-lobe, we find a reproducible depolarization upon R-lobe injection of hydrolysis-resistant cGMP analogues. Furthermore, the depolarization resulting from the injection of cGMP analogues does not require a rise in intracellular Ca2+, as it is not blocked by the Ca2+ buffer, BAPTA. Surprisingly, R-lobe injection of a hydrolysis-resistant cAMP analogue also depolarized ventral photoreceptors. Further work will be needed to resolve the role of cGMP in Limulus visual transduction.


©1991 Published by Elsevier B.V.

Citation Information
Jane M. Feng, Tamara M. Frank and Alan Fein. "Excitation of Limulus Photoreceptors by Hydrolysis-Resistant Analogs of cGMP and cAMP" Brain Research Vol. 552 Iss. 2 (1991) p. 291 - 294 ISSN: 0006-8993
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