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Effects of Light Adaptation on the Temporal Resolution of Deep-sea Crustaceans
Integrative and Comparative Biology
  • Tamara M. Frank, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution
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The effects of light adaptation on flicker fusion frequency were examined in the photoreceptors of 13 species of deep-sea crustaceans. Light adaptation produced a significant increase in the maximum critical flicker fusion frequency (CFFmax) in 7 species—all 6 species of euphausiids in the study, and 1 species of oplophorid (Group 1). This is the first example of an increase in temporal resolution due to light adaptation in a deep-sea species. In the other six species—2 oplophorids, 1 pandalid, 1 pasiphaeid, 1 penaeid and 1 sergestid (Group 2)—light adaptation had no effect, or resulted in a decrease in the flicker fusion frequency. The mean dark-adapted CFFmax of the Group 1 species was significantly higher, and the mean response latency significantly lower, than those of the Group 2 species. Possible explanations for these differences include the activity and bioluminescence mode of preferred prey items, as well as the retention of larval/juvenile adaptations in adult eyes.


This work was funded in part by NSF grants OCE-9313972 and OCE-9730073 to T. M. Frank and E. A. Widder. Additional support came from Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution Atlantic Foundation.

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NSF grant #s: OCE-9313972, OCE-9730073

Citation Information
Tamara M. Frank. "Effects of Light Adaptation on the Temporal Resolution of Deep-sea Crustaceans" Integrative and Comparative Biology Vol. 43 Iss. 4 (2003) p. 559 - 570 ISSN: 1540-7063
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