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Differentiated Leader–Member Exchanges: The Buffering Role of Justice Climate
Journal of Applied Psychology (2010)
  • Berrin Erdogan, Portland State University
  • Talya N. Bauer, Portland State University

The leader–member exchange (LMX) literature has established that leaders differentiate among their followers. Yet little is known about the effects of LMX differentiation (within-group variation in LMX quality). In this study, we contend that the effects of LMX differentiation on the employee outcomes of work attitudes, coworker relations, and employee withdrawal behaviors will be contingent upon the level of procedural and distributive justice climate. Data from 276 employees working in 25 stores of a retail chain in Turkey supported our hypotheses such that LMX differentiation was related to more negative work attitudes and coworker relations, and higher levels of withdrawal behaviors only when justice climate was low.

Publication Date
November, 2010
Publisher Statement
©2012 American Psychological Association
Citation Information
Berrin Erdogan and Talya N. Bauer. "Differentiated Leader–Member Exchanges: The Buffering Role of Justice Climate" Journal of Applied Psychology Vol. 95 Iss. 6 (2010)
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