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Using Pre-Test Explanations to Improve Test-Taker Reactions: Testing a Set of "Wise" Interventions
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
  • Julie M. McCarthy, University of Toronto
  • Talya N. Bauer, Portland State University
  • Donald M. Truxillo, Portland State University
  • Michael C. Campion, Pennsylvania State University
  • Chad H. Van Iddekinge, Florida State University
  • Michael A. Campion, Purdue University
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The present research tested a set of "wise" interventions (Walton, 2014) designed to improve employee reactions to assessment tests. Drawing upon theories of test-taking reactions, fairness, and social exchange, we generated and pilot-tested pre-test explanations to facilitate positive reactions to the assessments. Across two experimental studies of working adults, we tested a control condition and four experimental groups: (1) an informational fairness condition, (2) a social fairness condition, (3) an uncertainty reduction condition, and (4) a combined condition. In the first study, 256 retail employees were randomly assigned to one of the pre-test explanation conditions before completing a work sample test. Findings indicated higher perceptions of fairness for test-takers in the combined explanation group. In addition, the effects of the test explanations depended upon two contextual variables: test-takers’ level of perceived organizational support and the quality of leader-member exchange relationships with their supervisors. In the second study, the mechanisms underlying pre-test explanations were examined using an online sample of 269 working adults. Consistent with our conceptual framework, findings demonstrated that pre-test explanations had direct effects on transparency, respect, and reassurance. Taken together, these findings have implications for understanding the effects of pre-test explanations in organizational settings as well as the boundary conditions for their use.

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Citation Information
McCarthy, J. M., Bauer, T. N., Truxillo, D. M., Campion, M. C., Van Iddekinge, C. H., & Campion, M. A. (2017). Using pre-test explanations to improve test-taker reactions: Testing a set of "wise" interventions. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 141, 43-56.